
Dynamic binding

The implementation of method toSVG shown in the preceding chapter works, but it has a drawback: if we extend our drawing application to also support rectangles, we need to update method toSVG.

Suppose we want to be able to add new kinds of shapes without having to update class Drawing. We can achieve this by first implementing a toSVG() method in each subclass of Shape:

public class Circle extends Shape {

    // ...

    public String toSVG() {
        return "<circle cx='" + x + "' cy='" + y + "' r='" + radius + "'/>";


public class Polygon extends Shape {

    // ...

    public String toSVG() {
        String svg = "<polygon points='";
        for (int coord : coordinates)
            svg += coord + " ";
        return svg + "'/>";


public class Drawing {

    // ...

    public String toSVG() {
        String svg = "<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'"
                     + " stroke='black' fill='transparent'>";
        for (Shape shape : shapes)
            if (shape instanceof Circle circle)
                svg += circle.toSVG();
                svg += ((Polygon)shape).toSVG();
        return svg + "</svg>";


Note that even though every subclass of Shape now implements a toSVG() method, Java’s static type checker still does not allow us to call toSVG() on an expression of static type Shape. We can remedy this by declaring an abstract method toSVG() in class Shape, to indicate that each subclass of Shape should implement such a method:

public abstract class Shape {

    public abstract String toSVG();


Java’s static type checker now checks that each class that extends Shape declares a method named toSVG that takes no parameters and has return type String. Correspondingly, since class Shape now declares a method toSVG, we can now call toSVG directly on an expression of static type Shape:

public class Drawing {

    // ...

    public String toSVG() {
        String svg = "<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'"
                     + " stroke='black' fill='transparent'>";
        for (Shape shape : shapes)
            svg += shape.toSVG();
        return svg + "</svg>";


When the computer executes the method call shape.toSVG(), it determines which method body to execute based on the dynamic type of the receiver object: if shape evaluates to a reference to an instance of Circle, then the implementation of toSVG() in class Circle is executed; if shape evaluates to a reference to an instance of Polygon, then the implementation of toSVG() in class Polygon is executed. This is known as dynamic binding of method calls.

If a method declared by a subclass has the same name and the same number and types of parameters as a method declared by its superclass, we say it overrides the superclass method. Calls of the method on an object of the subclass will execute the overriding method instead of the overridden method.

Methods equals, hashCode, and toString

Class Object declares a number of methods:

package java.lang;

public class Object {

     * Returns the Class object for this object's class.
    public Class getClass() { /* ... */ }

     * Returns a number suitable for use as a hash code when using this object as
     * a key in a hash table.
     * Note: two objects that are equal according to the `equals(Object)` method
     * must have the same hash code.
     * The implementation of this method in class java.lang.Object returns a hash
     * code based on the identity of this object. That is, this implementation
     * usually returns a different number for different objects, although this is
     * not guaranteed.
    public int hashCode() { /* ... */ }

     * Returns a textual representation of this object.
     * The implementation of this method in class java.lang.Object is based on the
     * name of this object's class and this object's identity-based hash code.
    public String toString() {
        return this.getClass().getName() + "@"
            + Integer.toHexString(this.hashCode());

     * Returns whether this object is conceptually equal to the given object.
     * The implementation of this method in class java.lang.Object returns whether
     * this object and the given object are the same object.
    public boolean equals(Object other) { return other == this; }

    // ...


Methods equals, hashCode, and toString are often overridden by immutable classes. For example:

public class Point {
	private final int x;
	private final int y;
	public Point(int x, int y) {
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;

	public int getX() {
		return x;

	public int getY() {
		return y;

	public int hashCode() {
		final int prime = 31;
		int result = 1;
		result = prime * result + x;
		result = prime * result + y;
		return result;

	public boolean equals(Object obj) {
		if (this == obj)
			return true;
		if (obj == null)
			return false;
		if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
			return false;
		Point other = (Point) obj;
		if (x != other.x)
			return false;
		if (y != other.y)
			return false;
		return true;

	public String toString() {
		return "Point [x=" + x + ", y=" + y + "]";


The implementations above were generated using Eclipse’s Generate hashCode() and equals() and Generate toString() commands, which you can find in the Source menu after right-clicking on the class.

The @Override annotations cause Java’s static type checker to check that the methods do indeed override a method from the superclass. Without the annotation, it is easy to accidentally not override a superclass method. For example, if we accidentally declared the parameter type of equals as Point instead of Object, it would not override the equals method from class Object and we would not get the behavior shown below. Thanks to the @Override annotation, the Java static type checker would flag this as an error.

As a result of overriding these methods from class Object, we get the following behavior:

assertEquals("This is Point [x=10, y=20].","This is " + new Point(10, 20) + ".");
assertEquals(new Point(10, 20), new Point(10, 20));

If we had not overridden these methods, the behavior would be as follows:

assertEquals("This is Point@12345678.", "This is " + new Point(10, 20) + ".");
assertNotEquals(new Point(10, 20), new Point(10, 20));

Specifically, Java calls an object’s toString() method when it is added to a string using the + operator. Similarly, JUnit’s assertEquals(Object o1, Object o2) method calls o1.equals(o2) to compare its arguments.

As we will see later, the Java Collections Framework uses methods equals and hashCode to compare elements of collections. For example, List.of(e1, e2).contains(e3) returns true if and only if either e3.equals(e1) or e3.equals(e2) returns true, and new HashSet(List.of(e1, e2)).size() may return 1 or 2 depending both on whether e1.hashCode() equals e2.hashCode() and on whether e1.equals(e2) or e2.equals(e1) return true.

Since arrays are objects and can be assigned to variables of type Object, the equals, hashCode, and toString methods can be invoked on arrays. However, arrays simply inherit the implementations of these methods from class Object. This means that if array1 and array2 are arrays, array1.equals(array2) is equivalent to array1 == array2; it compares the identities of the arrays, not their contents. To compare the contents, use Arrays.equals(array1, array2) or Arrays.deepEquals(array1, array2).

Record classes

Since Java 16, released in March 2021, class Point above can be declared more concisely as follows:

public record Point(int x, int y) {}

This declaration declares a record class with components int x and int y. A record class is a class with the following predefined members:

Otherwise, a record class is just like any other class. In particular, a record class can declare additional constructors and methods. It can also explicitly declare a constructor or methods matching some of the predefined members; in that case, the corresponding predefined members are not generated.

Record classes have the following restrictions:

It is common to want to explicitly provide a canonical constructor that performs defensive checks and/or normalizes its arguments. For this reason, Java supports a compact canonical constructor notation:

public record Circle(int x, int y, int radius) {
    public Circle {
        if (radius < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("`radius` must be nonnegative");

Instances of record classes can be inspected concisely using record patterns: the snippet

if (shape instanceof Circle circle)
    return "Circle(" + circle.x + ", " + circle.y + ", " + circle.radius + ")";

can be written more concisely as

if (shape instanceof Circle(int x, int y, int radius))
    return "Circle(" + x + ", " + y + ", " + radius + ")";

Warning: be careful when using a record class if some of the components are mutable objects that should be treated like representation objects; the predefined members do not prevent representation exposure. Be extra careful when using arrays as record components: an array’s equals method simply compares the identities of the two objects; it does not compare the array elements.